The International Association
for Mathematical Geosciences

The mission of the IAMG is to promote, worldwide, the advancement of mathematics, statistics and informatics in the Geosciences.

As a scientific organization that serves an international community of mathematical geoscientists (mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, geoinformaticians and earth scientists), IAMG is committed to efforts promoting diversity, inclusion, fairness, impartiality and democracy. Our newly adopted Statutes and Bylaws as well as a new Commission exploring the role of women in the IAMG, new awards for early career researchers and female scientists reflect the IAMG’s position on ethical values in science. However, we recognise that we have more to do to be fully inclusive, diverse, and supportive of scientists from underrepresented groups. We welcome everyone from around the world to join us to collectively promote our field of mathematical geosciences and our ethical values in science.

Join the International Assocation of Mathematical Geosciences

IAMG accepts as members: geoscientists, statisticians, and other interested individuals or organizations.

  • Access to the latest news and events
  • Invitations to Mathematical Geosciences conferences
  • Access to read and review publications.

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